I'm sorry...did you say free?
I've just discovered there's a huge network called "Freecycle" which, ostensibly, was set up to reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. It was started in Tuscon Arizona and has spread all across the world. It's simply a yahoo group in which people post messages with items they are giving away for free.
How it works:
1. Go to: www.freecycle.org
2. Type in your city or area.
3. Go to that areas group and join. (If you have a Yahoo account already then you can just log in)
4. Read messages, contact community members, pick up stuff.
There's no cost for the site.
I know what you're thinking! "Well obviously it's all junk that know one wants, it's old, it's broken, or something is wrong with it." You'd be amazed actually. We got a REFRIGERATOR that is not very old and in perfect condition!
1. Tons of free products!
2. It feels good. I swear!
3. Reduces landfill waste.
4. Saves resources. Did you know we're currently consuming at the rate of 4 planets? That's not good.
4. Find affordable goods.
5. Move unwanted goods with little to no hassle.
1. It is obviously quite random so you may have to be patient if you're looking for something specific.
2. If you don't have a car it can be difficult to pick things up.
3. You're not sure what you're getting until you actually see it. It's free though so what's the real risk?
4. Areas with higher density populations will have more goods available.
The motivations for people's generosity are probably pretty complex but a lot of people probably do it for the environmental reasons. Others may just want to move things. Say you have a desk - as I did when I was moving from Toronto and you can't get rid of it. Put it on Freecycle and someone will come take it away. There's all kinds of stuff in your house I'm sure you'd be happy just to get rid of.
The only rule is your first post must be an offer. This doesn't mean you can't get stuff it just means you can't post a "Wanted" ad to request items until you offer something.
Let's stop this:

and get free stuff along the way!
Let's not forget that it is thanks to the mighty Freecycle that we now have our fridge. All hail to thee, Freecycle, and all who sail in thee!
sorry, that last comment was actually from me - not putting words in your mouth honey!
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